Friday, March 25, 2011

Living and working in Lockhart

I thought I would finally put up some pictures of our house and the school, as many people have been asking what these are like. I seem to work even longer hours in Lockhart than ever before, probably because it is so close to home, only a 5 min walk. I walk to school about 7.15 and don't usually walk home until 4.30 and after a walk with the dogs and dinner it is back to about another 2 hours preparation. In a yr 3/4/5 with children operating at a range of abilities, Year 1  to year 5 and a couple of 'special needs' though not officially diagnosed our days are very busy!

My classroom is the closet end upstairs.

I have attached a couple of photos of our street and our house. The duplex is very comfortable and we have no neighbours at the moment. Also it is great having bush on 3 sides of the house. We don't have any problems with noise or anything from the community. Across the road is other teachers accommodation and other non indigenous government workers.

This shot is looking directly at our side of the duplex.

The view from the other side.

Last night we went to the fortnightly Bingo session in the church hall. It is very serious as they have really good prizes. For $10 you get 10 games and the chance to win 20 prizes. (things like eskies, camping goods, kitchen ware etc). Kids are not allowed to play and are discouraged from being in the hall, but they still come in and often get growled at to stay quiet. However meanwhile there is probably 50 kids and dogs outside the windows running around and making lots of noise, so the adults get cranky and yell at them.... not exactly a relaxing night out, but now we can say we have been and experienced the local entertainment!

Portland Roads

Red and white bottlebrush were flowering everywhere and looked beautiful on the way out to Portland Road.

This is on the road to Portland Roads, you can see the sea in the distance.
We went out for a drive last Sunday to Portland Road and took some photos and did some birdwatching, so that was really nice and a great way to wind down!

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