Sunday, May 1, 2011

A day out to the Pascoe River.

Yesterday we went for a drive to check out the Pascoe River. This is 56 km from Lockhart, but took us 1hr and 40 minutes to get there. This is in part due to the 43 creek or gully crossings in the last 19km. Only about 6 of these didn't have running water. The road also includes 10km of sealed road which seems quite strange in the middle of such an isolated area. On leaving town there are another 3 major creek crossings with causeways, but these are quite easy to cross now even though they have water over them.  Some locals have been crossing the Pascoe River by wading across with a rope and then winching themselves over, apparently with a bit of floating on the way! You then need to wait an hour or so on the other side to let the car dry out a bit!! No way we are attempting that kind of crossing!
The Pascoe River. This is what we are hoping is low enough to cross in June.
This is the western side road access of the Pascoe River.

One of the many creek crossings on the way.

Looking toward the McIllwraith Range

A very dried up bog, someone had some fun here a few weeks ago!

Another very picturesque creek crossing.

Yet another crossing.

The remains of a bridge built in WWII by the Yanks. Certainly have strong bases!
The view to Mt Tozer.

Me being a real tourist on the platform looking to Mt Tozer. This is the mountain the plane crashed into a couple of years back.

Raod to Pascoe River.

  A native hibiscus growing along the road to the Pascoe.

Small flower on the roadside.
Another small roadside flower.
Flowering grasses on roadside.
A dingo spotted on the road on our way home, he sat in the grass beside the road looking at us.

A blue tongue lizard, hypnotized by Ron!

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