Monday, April 25, 2011

Birds and wildlife in and around Lockhart

Ron has been nagging me to put up some more photos of the the birds and animals we see up here.
So I am finally getting around to it!
This was stumpie a feral free range boar, but alas he has gone the way of all little piggies now!

Ron's trash bird the Palm Cuckotoo, of  which we haven't seen many of late.

A crab of some sort at the beach.

Grey goshawk at Portland Roads

A very large spider, one of many in a communal web.

Shining Flycatcher at Portland Road.

Lots of these dragonflies have been seen.

A red dragonfly

A praying mantis- yes it is Ron's head!

One of our favourite visitors at home.

Blue winged kookaburras are plentiful

Snoozing in the trees.

1 comment:

  1. I have made the photos a low resolution for posting so they don't look their best........
