Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day out and about

Yesterday we went for another cruise around the area to check out some spots and to find out where Ron can go fishing. A short 5km drive out of town took us to Taylor's Landing, on the Claudie River. This is one of the spots people go to launch their boats and Ron figured it looked like a pretty good spot for some future fishing trip, even without a boat.
You have heard of playing air guitar, this is air fishing!

 We then headed out to Chilli Beach for afternoon tea, stopping in some of the camp areas and walks through Iron Range National Park. It is very pleasant in there, we saw some Buff Breasted Paradise Kingfishers and heard the Red Bellied Pitta, but unfortunately didn't see any.
At Chilli Beach we did some beach combing , walked the dogs and had afternoon tea. It was just lovely sitting in the shade and taking in the breathtaking scenery.
Chilli Beach

Charlotte and Cora

Ron, Kahleana and Pepper relaxing on the beach.

Aspiring rock climbers!

 Today Sunday has been an overcast day and we had a good downpour of rain after lunch with some thunder and lightning. Maybe and inch or so. Well I have just about finished preparing for school this week so I am all set for my 12 students! Will post more about school and the house etc when I get some photos to go with it.
Have a great week everyone
PS I plan to train Ron up to use the blog too in his spare time!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some of the Locals

Thought I would include a photo of what Ron now calls a 'trash' bird. They are here in great abundance, we see a couple at least each day on our dog walks and they often land in the tree directly across the road from the house.
The magnificent Palm Cockatoo!

Road Crusing in Lockhart (25-01-11)

Last night after lots of excellent advice from the chief ranger we went out on another quest for the Green Python (Morelia viridis). During the day there had been a lot of rain over most of the national park area and especially around the ranger station. Which my sources had told me was an excellent time to look for pythons as the wet weather draws them out. We started off with a dry night and many frogs, thousands of Common greens (Litoria caerulea) on the roads along with just as many White lips (Litoria infrafrenata). With Ron at the helm we traversed the road through the rainforest crusing slowly and spotlighting the bushes along the way. This yielded only the occasional frog on a vine or a passing bat, but alas no green pythons. We took a short detour at Cook's Hut campground to do some foot work but this only resulted in a few very large cane toads and a Graceful Tree Frog (Litoria gracilenta).

After Cook's Hut we pushed onward to the Gordon Creek campgrounds, which I was told was as far as we would need to search for Green Pythons. Again more footwork was involved with the a surprising find occuring here. As I was searching the trees I stumbled across a very curious little fellow that not many people get to experience. I had found a very lively blind snake (Ramphotyphlops polygrammicus). I captured the little fellow swiftly and was rewarded with some very smelly secretions on my hands. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of the individual due to a daring escape it made from a container that I was keeping it in until I could get a better look. It is now somewhere in our house or yard. This was the first time I had encountered a blind snake (or Typhlopidae for you herpers out there). Also while searching around I came across a whipsnake, not to sure whether it was greater or lesser as I was not too keen to wrestle with it.

At this point it had began to rain, much to the disappointment of everyone, mostly myself. I had resigned myself to a fate worse than death, that of not being able to have a one up on my herping friend. By now the rain had worsened and even Ron had decided that no self respecting snake would ever come out in this weather. It was at this time that we made a most wonderful discovery. Moving across the road was a Green Python. 
My first photo was not the best to say the least as it was raining and very poor light. But it shows the size of the individual and how it was slowly making its way across the road. I then caught the python and it is an experience that will stay with me forever. To hold this magnificent animal brought me so much joy. As is evident in the photo below I was stunned and over the moon =)
Mum (Susanne) very kindly did all the photography for this event as it was beginning to rain quite heavily and I was pretty much incapable of doing it myself.

After the photoshoot and a bit of a cuddle we took it off the road and into tree.
As it was now raining heavily we returned back to Lockhart River with the discovery of two more snakes on the way home. One was a large Water Python (Liasis mackloti) which was stretched across the road.

There was also a large and very angry Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis) crossing the road near the ranger station but he didn't want to stick around for a photo.

So after a exciting and long night out we returned home happy.
Hope you enjoyed my post =)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Trip to Portland Road.

Last week on Tuesday we did our first trip out of Lockhart to Portland Road and Chilli Beach. It was a drive of about 45 min on gravel road, which was in good condition and not too rough. Arrived at Portland Road to some great scenery.
Portland Road looking south.

Portland Road looking north.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday 23 Jan 2011

Now Kahleana has the blog up and running I will go back and fill you in on the last week. We finally all arrived by Monday 17 with Kahleana coming up last. By this stage Ron, Charlotte and I had basically unpacked everything and we were getting quite settled. The dogs both arrived on the flights with Ron, or Charlotte and I but were not impressed with their flying experiences, as flights were delayed and Cora spent about 5hours in a cage. They were both very hot and thirsty by the time they got here.
Plane preparing to drop wheels to land. Flying over Lockhart River.
All our containers (4 in total) arrived by the Thursday Ron arrived and the car came by a fuel barge on the Saturday morning, so then we had wheels.

The barge our car came on at the landing on Quintell Beach.

Quintell Beach looking north.

Quintell beach looking south.

This was our first drive to the beach after the car was dropped off to us. It was a nice sunny day and the scenery was so beautiful. Stay tuned for more info and pictures soon.

First Blog 22 Jan

 First Post by Kahleana ^.^
This is the first blog detailing the adventures of the Stannard family during their stay at Lockhart River. Today we organised Susanne's room at school in preparation for the new school term on Monday!!!! Exciting and frustrating stuff!! This afternoon involved an enjoyable walk along Quintell Beach with the puppy dogs.

To end this short update on the Stannard family we leave you with a picture of one of the 'locals'.

Hope you enjoy our blog =)